Complete/Close Out Work Orders
The option to Complete/Close out a work order can be used to record progress against a work order or to completely close out the work order. The option can be used multiple times to indicate progress on the work order, or just used once to indicate a work order is complete and ready to be closed out. How the option is used is dependent on both the complexity of the work order and the business process used at your organization.
There are multiple methods available to quickly access the Complete/Close Out Work Order feature as follows:
Select the Complete/Close button at the bottom of the page.
This button is only available if the work order has been issued.
Access the Details, Tasks, Costs, Attach, or History tab: Select Complete/Close from the status Action menu in the upper-right corner of the page.
Access the Report tab: Click the Complete/Close button in the upper-right corner of the page.
Access the Group tab: Select records, and click the Complete/Close button.
From the Assignment Calendar: Right-click a work order assignment and select Complete/Close from the available options.
From the Expanded Work Order List: Select multiple records to act upon and click the Complete/Close button at the bottom of the page.
In each of the above cases, the Complete/Close window opens. The appearance of the Complete/Close Out Work Order window varies significantly dependent on preferences set by your organization and the permissions granted to your access group. Your System Administrator can determine what sections of the dialog should display, identify required entry, and specify the order in which options are presented.
For further information on configuration options, see System Administration: Configuring Complete/Close Dialog.
Complete/close a work order:
Open the Complete/Close window using one of the methods described above.
The appearance of the Complete/Close window is different when multiple work orders are being operated against. To learn more about these differences, see our article Complete/Close Options for Multiple Records.
Specify changes that should be applied to the work order, using the following sections:
Click Apply.
If this update was made on a Master Work Order or on behalf of a group of work orders, all records would be updated as indicated.
You will receive warnings if required data was not entered. If your organization has specified that all tasks must be marked as completed or failed before the work order is completed, you will not be able to complete or close a work order with open tasks.
A warning will appear indicating that incomplete tasks exist on the work order. To update the tasks, exit the Complete/Close window and go to the Tasks page to mark the tasks accordingly. If you have made edits to the work order from the Complete/Close window, the warning will ask if you'd like to set the work order status to a pre-completion state so that you can save your edits before completing unfinished tasks.
Maintenance Connection will process the data you entered. Depending on the amount of data to be processed, this can take 10-20 seconds. Once the data has been processed, the window will close and the following changes will be made:
The status of the work order will be modified to reflect the status entered.
If the status was designated to be changed to Closed, the work order will be closed. No further editing of the work order will be allowed. If additional changes to the work order are required, the work order must be reissued.
Attributes such as account, category, and problem will be populated.
If assignments were designated to be marked as completed, all marked assignments will be modified.
If tasks were designated to be marked as completed, all tasks will be updated and marked as completed.
If actual cost records were created or if estimated costs were converted to actual costs, these records will be displayed on the Actuals sub-tab.
If meter readings or downtime were entered, the asset will be updated accordingly.
If attachments were added to the Documents section, these files are added to the Attach tab of the work order.